MBT01/003   煉獄皇竜 ドラゴニック・オーバーロード・ザ・グレート
Perdition Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord the Great

Clan: Kagero   Race: Flame Dragon
【起】【(V)】:【双闘20000】「煉獄竜 ドラゴニック・ネオフレイム」(相手ヴァンガードがグレード3以上なら、このユニットは1度だけドロップゾーンから4枚山札に戻し、山札から指定カードを探し、双闘できる)
[S] [(V)]: [Legion 20000] "Perdition Dragon, Dragonic Neoflame"
[A] [(V)]: [Counterblast: (1), Discard 2 cards] At the end of the battle in which this attacked a Rearguard, if this is Legioned, you may pay cost. If so, Stand all your Vanguards. This ability cannot be used again this turn. (This is true even if the cost is not paid)
[A] [(V)]: [Retire 1 of your Rearguards with the same name as a unit in your (V)] When this hits with an attack, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your Opponent's Rearguards and Retire it.