HBT02/003   余裕綽々 聖那
Calm And Composed Sena

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: 誠実 (Sincerity)
Trait 3: 竜魂 (Dragon Soul)
World: Disfia
[EX Soul 3]: [A]: このメンバーが場に出た時、あなたの山札を見て、「聖那」か盟約者「聖那」@を持つ使者を2枚まで選び、出撃させ、その山札をシャッフルし、そのターン中、この効果で出撃したメンバーにパワー+2000。
[EX Soul 3] [A] When this member enters the Field, search your Deck for up to 2 cards that are either "Sena" or Foreigners with "Covenanter: Sena", deploy them, shuffle your Deck, and the members deployed via this effect gain +2000 power for the turn.