HBT02/013   恍惚の炎 懍玲
Enchanted Flames Linlin

Trait 1: 聖那 (Sena)   Trait 2: 竜魂 (Dragon Soul)
Trait 3: (なし) (None)
World: Disfia
[A]: このメンバーが場に出た時、あなたの「聖那」を1体選び、そのターン中、パワー+1000。さらに、あなたの他のメンバーが3体以上いるなら、パワー+1000。
[A] When this member enters the Field, choose 1 of your "Sena", and that member gains +1000 power for the turn. Then, if you have 3 or more other members, that member additionally gains +1000 power.