HBT02/039   一網打尽 クロエ
Get 'em All Chloe

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: 才華 (Talent)
Trait 3: 闘魂 (Fighting Soul)
World: Disfia
[EX Soul 3]: [A]: このメンバーが攻撃した時、バトル相手のレベルが4以上なら、バトル中のメンバー以外の相手のメンバーを1体選び、そのバトル中、『[A]: あなたのメンバーがバトルに負けた時、このメンバーとこのメンバーのすべてのソウルを好きな順番でストックにする。』を与え、このメンバーにパワー+10000し、バトル相手にパワー+X。Xはこの能力で選んだメンバーのパワー。
[EX Soul 3] [A] When this member attacks, if the Level of the battle opponent is 4 or higher, choose 1 of your opponent's members that isn't in battle, and for the battle, give that member "[A] When your member loses a battle, Stock this member and all of this member's Soul in any order", this member gains +10000 power, and the battle opponent gains +X power. X is the power of the member chosen by this ability.