HBT02/060   下拵え 夕子
Preparation Yuko

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: 聡明 (Intelligence)
Trait 3: 錬心 (Alchemical Heart)
World: Tetra-Heaven
[Trance Change]:-「夕子」(全体で1回使者と合体可能。指定メンバーしか出撃できない)

[LD]:[②] 錬成②。(レベル2以下の秘具スキルをプレイ)

秘具スキル あなたのメンバーを1体選び、そのターン中かそのメンバーが参加しているバトルの終わりまで、パワー+5000、+[Aura][Aura]。
[TC] - "Yuko"
[LD] [(2)] Synthesis: (2).
Tool Skill: Choose 1 of your members, and for the turn or until the end of the battle in which that member is participating, that member gains +5000 power and +2 aura. (TL Note: This effect expires either at "the end of the turn" or "the end of the battle in which the chosen member is participating", whichever occurs first.)