HBT02/096   雪山パニック
Snow Mountain Panic

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: - (None)
Trait 3: - (None)
World: Tritomy
[A]:[④] この戦術がバトル領域に置かれた時、あなたと相手のバトル領域にカードがそれぞれ3枚以上あるなら、コストを払ってよい。そうしたら、あなたと相手は自分のバトル領域のすべてのカードを山札の下にシャッフルして置き、自分の山札の上から2枚をバトル領域に表向きに置く。
[A] [(4)] When this tactics is placed to the Battle Zone, if there are 3 or more cards in both your Battle Zone and your opponent's Battle Zone, you may pay cost. If so, both your and your opponent shuffle cards in the respective Battle Zones and put them on the bottom of their respective Decks, and put the top 2 cards of their respective Decks face-up to the respective Battle Zones.