HEB02/021   微笑を返す リオン
Respond With a Smile Lion

Trait 1: サン (Sun)   Trait 2: 才華 (Talent)
Trait 3: - (None)
World: Monolium/Septpia
[A]: このメンバーが、場に出た時かパージ領域に置かれた時、あなたのソウルに、「リオン」と::Sun::が合計2枚以上のメンバーを1体選び、そのターン中、パワー+5000。さらに、あなたのT-rankが3以上なら、パワー+2000。
[A] When this member enters the Field or is placed to the Purge Zone, choose 1 of your members with a total of 2 or more "Lion" and ::Sun:: in Soul, and that member gains +5000 power for the turn. Then, if your T-rank is 3 or higher, that member gains +2000 power.