SP-B02/035   楽しいがいっぱい! リオン
Full of Fun! Lion

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: 才華 (Talent)
Trait 3: - (None)
World: Tetra-Heaven
[A]: このメンバーがパージ領域に置かれた時、あなたの他のパージ領域のカードを好きな枚数選び、山札の下にシャッフルして置き、あなたの「リオン」を1体選び、そのターン中、パワー+2000。
[A] When this member is placed to the Purge Zone, choose any number of other cards in your Purge Zone, shuffle them and put them on the bottom of your Deck, choose 1 of your "Lion", and that member gains +2000 power for the turn.