SP-B02/041   心魂を狩る 芽路子
Soul Hunting Mejiko

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: 才華 (Talent)
Trait 3: 死神 (Death God)
World: Tetra-Heaven
[A]: このメンバーがドロップから場に出た時、相手のメンバーを1体選び、そのターン中、パワー-2000。

[A]: このメンバーが場からドロップした時、相手のメンバーを1体選び、そのターン中、パワー-2000。
[A] When this member enters the Field, choose 1 of your opponent's members, and that member gets -2000 power for the turn.
[A] When this member is Dropped from the Field, choose 1 of your opponent's members, and that member gets -2000 power for the turn.