SP-B02/072   夢に向かって 弥生
Towards Her Dream Yayoi

Trait 1: - (None)   Trait 2: 誠実 (Sincerity)
Trait 3: - (None)
World: Disfia
[A]:【この能力はストックでのみ有効】 このメンバーがあなたの「弥生」の能力の、コストか効果で表向きになった時、あなたの「弥生」を1体選び、そのターン中、パワー+2000。
[A] [This ability is only active in Stock] When this member is turned face-up via the cost or effect of ability of your "Yayoi", choose 1 of your "Yayoi", and that member gains +2000 power for the turn.