ALL/S76-062b   シュッツエンゲルとしてシルトへ
To Schild for a Schutzengel

Traits: None
共鳴 あなたは自分の手札の「シュッツエンゲルとしてシルトへ」を1枚公開してよい。そうしたら、あなたは自分の山札の上から1枚を、控え室に置く。そのカードがレベル0以下のカードなら、あなたは自分の山札の上から1枚までを、ストック置場に置く。そうでないなら、あなたは自分の山札を上から2枚まで見て、カードを1枚まで選び、手札に加え、残りのカードを控え室に置き、自分の手札を1枚選び、控え室に置く。(クライマックスのレベルは0として扱う)
If you don't have a ::Lily:: Character, you cannot play this from hand.
Choose a Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand.
RESONANCE You may reveal a "To Schild for a Schutzengel" from your hand. If so, put the top card of your Library in your Waiting Room. If that card is Level 0 or lower, put up to 1 card from the top of your Library to Stock. If it is not, look at up to 2 cards from the top of your Library, choose up to 1 card from among them, put it in your hand, put the remaining cards in the Waiting Room, choose a card from your had and discard it to the Waiting Room. (Climax cards are considered Level 0)