KNK/W86-097   もう少しなんです
A Little More

Traits: None
あなたは自分の山札の上から1枚を、クロック置場に置き、相手に79ダメージを与え、自分の山札を見て「“大人なんです” 瑠夏」を2枚まで選び、舞台の別々の枠に置き、その山札をシャッフルし、そのターン中、それらのキャラのパワーを+1000し、ソウルを+1。(ダメージキャンセルは発生する)
If you have 1 or less Characters with "Ruka" in name, you cannot play this from hand.
Put the top card of your Library into Clock, Deal 79 Damage to your Opponent, search your Library for up to 2 '"I'm an Adult" Ruka' and place them to separate Slots on your Stage, Shuffle your Library, and for the turn those Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. (Damage Cancel can occur. Yes, that is "79".)