MAR/S89-025   ムジョルニア

Traits: None
あなたのカード名に「ソー」を含むキャラか「生ける伝説 キャプテン・アメリカ」がいるなら、次の2つの効果のうちあなたが選んだ1つを行う。
『相手のキャラすべてに、そのターン中、次の能力を与える。『【永】 このカードは手札に戻せず、他の枠に動かせず、思い出にできない。』』
If you either have a Character with "Thor" in name or "Captain America, Living Legend", choose 1 of the 2 following effects and perform it.
"All your Opponent's Characters gain the following ability for the turn. '[C] This cannot return to hand, cannot move to another Slot, and cannot be Sent to Memory.'"
"Put the top 2 cards of your Library in the Waiting Room, choose a Level X or lower ::Marvel:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +1000 Power for the turn. X = sum of Levels of cards put in the Waiting Room via this effect." (Climax cards are considered Level 0 for this effect)