MR/W80-097   新たな同居人
The New Roommate

Traits: None
あなたの控え室に、カード名に「いろは」を含むキャラと「やちよ」を含むキャラと「鶴乃」を含むキャラと「フェリシア」を含むキャラと「さな」を含むキャラが別々に1枚ずつあるなら、あなたは自分のキャラを1枚選び、次の相手のターンの終わりまで、パワーを+5000し、次の能力を与える。『【永】 このカードのバトル中、相手は『助太刀』を手札からプレイできない。』
If you don't have a Character with "Yachiyo" in name, you cannot play this from hand.
If, in your Waiting Room, there is a Character with "Iroha" in name, a different Character with "Yachiyo" in name, a different Character with "Tsuruno" in name, a different Character with "Felicia" in name, and yet another different Character with "Sana" in name (5 separate cards), choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +5000 Power and the following ability until the next end of your Opponent's turn. "[C] During battles involving this, your Opponent cannot play BACKUP from hand."