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Kagari-chan, or Rather "Key-chan" |

Name Pronounciation |
カガリチャンアラタメ“カギチャン” |
Card No.: | RW/W48-004R | Rarity: | RRR |
Color: | Yellow | Side: | Weiss |
Type: | Character | Level: | 0 |
Power: | 1000 | Cost: | 0 |
Soul: | 1 | Trait 1: | 鍵 (Key) |
Triggers: | None | Trait 2: | 時間 (Time) |
Original Card Text |
【永】 あなたのターン中、他のあなたのキャラすべてに、パワーを+500。 【起】[(1) あなたの山札の上から1枚をクロック置場に置き、このカードを【レスト】する] あなたは自分の山札を見てカード名に「小鳥」か「篝」か「瑚太朗」を含むキャラを1枚まで選んで相手に見せ、手札に加え、その山札をシャッフルする。 |
Original Flavor Text |
English Card Text |
[C] During your turn, all your other Characters gain +500 Power. [S] [(1) Put the top card of your Library in your Clock, Rest this] Search your Library for up to 1 Character with either "Kotori", "Kagari", or "Kotarou" in name, reveal it, put it in your hand, and shuffle your Library. |
English Flavor Text |
So, what is Kagari-chan, or, rather, Key-chan? | Reference Card > |
Card # | Name (click for details) | Type | Color |
RW/W48-001 | Akane, When the Sun Sets 日沈むひととき 朱音 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-001SP | Akane, When the Sun Sets 日沈むひととき 朱音 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-002 | "Amnesia" Kagari “記憶喪失”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-002SP | "Amnesia" Kagari “記憶喪失”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-003 | "Out of Feecof" Kagari “ヒーコー切れ”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-004 | Kagari-chan, or Rather "Key-chan" 篝ちゃん改め“鍵ちゃん” | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-004R | Kagari-chan, or Rather "Key-chan" 篝ちゃん改め“鍵ちゃん” | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-005 | Kotori And B And L BとLと 小鳥 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-005R | Kotori And B And L BとLと 小鳥 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-006 | Chihaya, Member of Gaia ガイアの一員 ちはや | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-007 | "Favorite Thing Is 55 Yen a Can" Kagari “好みは一缶55円”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-008 | "Kazamatsuri Academy High School" Kagari “風祭学院高校”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-008S | "Kazamatsuri Academy High School" Kagari “風祭学院高校”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-009 | "Rewrite Ability" Kotarou “リライト能力”瑚太朗 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-010 | "Experienced Strange Phenomenon" Kotarou “怪奇現象体験者”瑚太朗 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-011 | "Passing the Memory Stick" Inoue “託すメモリー”井上 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-012 | Kotori, Dream Adventure for Two 二人で夢冒険 小鳥 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-013 | Kotarou, Buying Canned Coffee 缶コーヒーを買いに 瑚太朗 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-014 | Chihaya at the End of Fasting 断食の末に ちはや | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-015 | "Only Delinquent in the Class" Yoshino “クラス唯一の不良”吉野 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-016 | "Witch of the Academy" Akane “学園の魔女”朱音 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-017 | "Knight" Sakuya “従者”咲夜 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-018 | Kotori, Big Dream ビッグドリーム 小鳥 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-019 | "Power of 3 Yoshinos" Chibi-Mosu “3ヨシノの力”ちびもす | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-020 | Gil & Pani, For Kotarou's Sake 瑚太朗のために ぎる&ぱに | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-021 | "Caring Lone Wolf" Yoshino “面倒見の良い一匹狼”吉野 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-022 | Kotori in Class 授業中 小鳥 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-023 | "Opening Found!" Chibi-Mosu “スキ有り!”ちびもす | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-024 | Chihaya of the Occult Club オカ研所属 ちはや | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-025 | Akane, Promised Moment 約束の時 朱音 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-026 | "Shooter" Akane “シューター”朱音 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-027 | Kotori, Fully Prepared 準備万端 小鳥 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-028 | "Discovering the Holy Sword" Chihaya “聖剣発見”ちはや | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-029 | Sakuya, Delivering Bento Boxes 弁当お届け 咲夜 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-030 | "Riding Chibi-Mosu" Kagari “ちびもすに乗って”篝 | Chara | Yellow |
RW/W48-031 | Feecof ヒーコー | Event | Yellow |
RW/W48-032 | Shikigami Army 式神軍団 | Event | Yellow |
RW/W48-033a | Occult Club's Activity Record オカ研活動記録 | Event | Yellow |
RW/W48-033b | Occult Club's Activity Record オカ研活動記録 | Event | Yellow |
RW/W48-033c | Occult Club's Activity Record オカ研活動記録 | Event | Yellow |
RW/W48-033d | Occult Club's Activity Record オカ研活動記録 | Event | Yellow |
RW/W48-034 | Self-Discovery 自分探し | Climax | Yellow |
RW/W48-034S | Self-Discovery 自分探し | Climax | Yellow |
RW/W48-035 | Dreaming on the Way Home 夢見る帰り道 | Climax | Yellow |
RW/W48-036 | Knight Has Arrived-- 従者、参上―― | Climax | Yellow |
RW/W48-037a | Proof of Occult オカルトの証明 | Climax | Yellow |
RW/W48-037b | Proof of Occult オカルトの証明 | Climax | Yellow |
RW/W48-038 | "Don't Get Carried Away~!" Lucia “調子に乗るなぁ~!”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-038SP | "Don't Get Carried Away~!" Lucia “調子に乗るなぁ~!”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-039 | "Preparing for Tomorrow" Shizuru “明日に備えて”静流 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-039R | "Preparing for Tomorrow" Shizuru “明日に備えて”静流 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-040 | "Locked-On" Lucia “ロックオン”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-040S | "Locked-On" Lucia “ロックオン”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-041 | "No Longer Alone" Lucia “もう一人じゃない”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-041R | "No Longer Alone" Lucia “もう一人じゃない”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-042 | "Just for the Sake of Friends" Lucia “ただ友のために”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-043 | "High-Speed Evasion" Shizuru “高速回避”静流 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-044 | "As the Chairman of Earth" Lucia “地球の委員長として”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-045 | Nishikujou-Sensei, Attack! 襲撃! 西九条先生 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-046 | "Curse" Lucia “呪い”ルチア | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-047 | "Veteran Warrior" Esaka “歴戦の戦士”江坂 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-048 | "Moral Committee Activity" Shizuru “フーキーン活動”静流 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-049 | "Interfering With Combat" Shizuru “戦闘介入”静流 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-050 | Kotarou, Friend of Lucia ルチアの友達 瑚太朗 | Chara | Green |
RW/W48-051 | Gloves 手袋 | Event | Green |
RW/W48-052 | Until That Day Returns いつかあの日に帰るまで | Event | Green |
RW/W48-053 | Power of Asahi Haruka アサヒハルカの力 | Climax | Green |
RW/W48-053S | Power of Asahi Haruka アサヒハルカの力 | Climax | Green |
RW/W48-054 | At the End of the Day 一日の終わりに | Climax | Green |
RW/W48-054S | At the End of the Day 一日の終わりに | Climax | Green |
RW/W48-055 | "Salvation via Destruction" Akane “滅びによる救済”朱音 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-056 | "Superhuman Strength" Chihaya “かいりき”ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-056SP | "Superhuman Strength" Chihaya “かいりき”ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-057 | Chihaya, Going Out お出かけ ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-057R | Chihaya, Going Out お出かけ ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-058 | Chihaya, Catch! キャッチ! ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-059 | Chihaya, Transfer Student 転校生 ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-060 | "Power" Akane “暗黒魔法”朱音 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-060R | "Power" Akane “暗黒魔法”朱音 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-061 | "High-Tech Witch?" Akane “ハイテク魔女?”朱音 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-062 | "Monster User" Midou “魔物使い”ミドウ | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-063 | "Omnipotent Butler" Sakuya “万能執事”咲夜 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-064 | "Method to Win Someone Over" Sakuya “懐柔の一手”咲夜 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-065 | "Unable to Move" Chihaya “行動不能”ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-066 | Akane, Vanilla Ice Cream at Night 夜のバニラアイス 朱音 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-067 | "Forgot Something" Chihaya “忘れ物”ちはや | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-068 | "Saint" Akane “聖女”朱音 | Chara | Red |
RW/W48-069 | Chihaya Rolling ちはやローリング | Event | Red |
RW/W48-070 | Sakuya's Special Training 咲夜の特訓 | Event | Red |
RW/W48-071 | I Have Good Strength 力強いですし | Climax | Red |
RW/W48-071S | I Have Good Strength 力強いですし | Climax | Red |
RW/W48-072 | Power 使役の魔術 | Climax | Red |
RW/W48-072S | Power 使役の魔術 | Climax | Red |
RW/W48-073 | "Master of the Barrier" Kotori “結界の主”小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-073SP | "Master of the Barrier" Kotori “結界の主”小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-074 | "New Memory" Shizuru “新しい思い出”静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-074SP | "New Memory" Shizuru “新しい思い出”静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-075 | Shizuru, Rendezvous With Allies 仲間との合流 静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-076 | "Meteorite Falling" Kagari “隕石落下”篝 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-077 | "Protection of Key" Kotori “鍵の守護”小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-077S | "Protection of Key" Kotori “鍵の守護”小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-078 | "Class Representative" Lucia “クラス委員長”ルチア | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-079 | "Medication Creation" Shizuru “薬物生成”静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-079S | "Medication Creation" Shizuru “薬物生成”静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-080 | "Barrier Preparation" Kotori “結界準備”小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-081 | "Druid" Kotori “ドルイド”小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-082 | "Blades Drawn" Shizuru “抜刀”静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-083 | Kagari, Poltergeist? ポルターガイスト? 篝 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-084 | "Made by Kotori-san" Giant Monster “小鳥さん謹製”巨大魔物 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-085 | "See You Tomorrow" Shizuru “また明日”静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-086 | "Hyper-Vibration" Lucia “超振動”ルチア | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-087 | "Interest in the Right Hand" Kagari “気になる右手”篝 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-088 | Shizuru, Just the Two of Them on the Way Home 二人の帰り道 静流 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-089 | Kotori, Encountering the Mistletoe 宿り木との出会い 小鳥 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-090 | "Made by Kotori-san" Monster “小鳥さん謹製”魔物 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-091 | "Smile of Resignation" Lucia “諦めの微笑”ルチア | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-092 | "Present" Kotarou “プレゼント”瑚太朗 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-093 | "Made by Kotori-san" Monster “小鳥さん謹製”魔物 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-094 | "To the Battlefield" Lucia “戦場へ”ルチア | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-095 | "Encounter in the Forest" Kagari “森での遭遇”篝 | Chara | Blue |
RW/W48-096 | Power Spot パワースポット | Event | Blue |
RW/W48-097 | Barrier in the Forest 森の結界 | Climax | Blue |
RW/W48-097S | Barrier in the Forest 森の結界 | Climax | Blue |
RW/W48-098 | The Fists Shouldering the Earth 地球を背負う拳 | Climax | Blue |
RW/W48-099 | Erasing Memories 記憶消去 | Climax | Blue |
RW/W48-100 | Nom... ハム… | Climax | Blue |